Steve's New Knees...

kneesA note from STEVE EDMONDSON

This message is for MTN:

Hi Guys, I don't know if you remember me, I was the 600 LB man you did an article on. I have

been maintaining around 220 Lbs, and had my summer schedule set. 3 days before Buffalo, my left knee locked up. So on June 11th,

I had total knee replacement on both knees that was 3 weeks ago. Today I did an 8 mile bike ride on my new knees. My knees felt the

best they have in 37 years..I had my first chunk of cartilage taken out in 1976. The new knees they gave me are called Stryker...

Triathlon knees. I just wanted to encourage anyone that is on the fence, they estimated a 6-8 week rehab, and I am going back to

work Monday..after 4 weeks... Dr. Harms, his PA DeSosa,(Allina Buffalo) and the rehab staff at Parkview Nursing in Buffalo, are sosteve

amazing, I could not be happier with the entire process they did to get me rocking and rolling...Now, the rehab people at Sister

Kinney are fantastic also...Running is not going to be in my future, but swim, bike, walk will sure be on the agenda. It was so cool

climbing the hills, today on my Bike, and putting alot of pressure on the joints,and just feeling a total smooth motion...( I feel

like I got a new bike in the process also). I am one happy camper.... Warning don't check out the picture (top L) after eating.

