Marcus' Journey...

marcus(Photo - Marcus McCleery- Before & After)

By Jay Lawton

Over four years ago Marcus McCleery was one of the last people you would imagine participating in a triathlon. He was closing in on 400 pounds and had a rapid heart beat that made it impossible for him to do anything physical. Then, a doctor from the Minneapolis Heart Institute told Marcus about a relatively new surgical procedure, an e.p. ablation, that could place his heart in a normal rhythm. In October of 2008 the first E.P. Ablation surgery was performed. Eventually it was found that the first surgery didn't quite work and a second surgery was needed. In June of 2009 a second surgery was performed. Several months after the success of the second surgery, Marcus asked his doctor if he should begin an exercise program. The doctor responded asking him to move 15 minutes a day. Marcus took this to...

marcusheart and the scale began to show his weight decreasing. He went from walking to running a little and the pounds kept coming off. He also sought professional advice on his diet and changed that as well. Then a friend suggested that eventually he enter a Triathlon. He continued to ramp up his exercise regime gradually and in 2011 he participated in his first Triathlon, Lifetime Fitness no less. He was hooked.
