Stud Horse Philanthropist..

jeremyBar Raisers - Last week we profiled Curt Wood, a great athlete who left Minnesota's tri scene in 2009. We wanted to introduce him and his stellar accomplishments to that large group of tri-and-du-athletes who have since (after 2009) become members of our multisport community. We wanted these new folks to know that their predecessors were totally cool people, in addition to being awesome athletes.

Today we're gonna tell you some stuff about a Canadian transplant named Jeremy Sartain. Like Curt Wood, Jeremy has not been a visible force on the regional racing scene since 2009, which was a recovery year for him. For those that don't know, Jeremy's athletic career, indeed his life, was almost ended by a devastating motorcylce accident in 2008. Before then he was, purely and simply, ....

a total stud!

A pro bike racer and hotshot Nordic skier, Jeremy, who is follicluarly challenged but still looks great, took up the sport of triathlon in 2005. He only raced three times that year, but won once and placed 3rd in his other two efforts. His resume was strong enough to earn him the Minnesota Rookie of the Year award. He won three races in 2006 and earned a berth on Team Minnesota. In 2007, though, he totally kicked ass, winning seven races, three of them being Half IMs. He earned the Most Improved award and was ranked an awesome 3rd on Team Minnesota.jeremy

In 2008, he raced only twice after his April accident. Get this, he did Life Time Fitness and Ironman Wisconsin ON CRUTCHES! Studley stuff!

In many ways, 2008 was his most impressive year ever. EVERY WEEKEND he didn't race during the season the gimpy Canadian ex-pat volunteered at events, serving in every capacity imaginable. Thinking back, it's hard not to get choked up. For his outstanding contribution to Minnesota's multisport community, Jeremy received The Thorpe Running Inspiration Award.

Married to a beautiful girl named Jennie, he's the father of two extraordinary boys with cool names--Kai and Ezra. Jeremy teaches massage therapy at St. Paul College and coaches and is one of TCMC's biggest cheeses.

And he is a true philanthropist, as he's proven repeatedly by the work he has done to benefit kids and newbie triathletes etc. Check out his Facebook page to learn more about this remarkable, albeit kinda bald, guy who is a total stud whose coolness cannot be exaggerated.

He has this white sport coat that he got married in that is so 70s that we think he might have stolen it from Kramer's ("Seinfeld") closet.

Here are Jeremy's awesome triathlon highlights:

2008: Thorpe Running Inspiration Award

2007: Most improved Award

2005: Minnesota Rookie of the Year


5th @ Trinona Olympic


1st @ St. Paul Olympic
