Phavorite Photos of 2012...

bethWe recently looked back at all the photos and artwork that was posted on MTN in 2012. More than 1000 images. All good stuff. It reminded us of how blessed we are here in Minnesota to have talented guys like Kerry (Yndestad) and Nick (Morales) and Paul (Phillips) and Steve (Stenzel), among others, allowing us to use their shots.

Certain pics really jumped off the cyber page at us, shots that touch us in special ways. For instance, we posted a photo of Beth Guck playing the viola (photo L), which is kinda like a pregnant violin with a string missing. Most folks would say it's a cool shot, but not necessarily extraordinary. We would disagree for a zillion reasons. We LOVE this shot because we love Beth. She's a HOOT! We also like to see her with her hair down. This girl's got major hair.

We also love the fact that the pic is shot in black and white, which reeks of artsy-fartsy-iosity. But most of all, we love the shot because it depicts a triathlete excelling at non-triathletic stuff. Beth is an elite AGer, who probably should have been nominated for Grand Master of the Year in 2012, who is also a world class musician and teacher. We're proud to know her and this pic clearly reminds us of that....

Another shot that we totally like is of Bill Benning's house (R). It's a really nice house and he did much of the carpentry stuff to make it that way. We think housethat's so cool and we'll continue to look for opportunities to post images of a guy's (or gal's) stuff that is not a bike, wetsuit or part of his or her kit.

Another pic that grabbed out attention is the one of Pam Nielsen salivating over a mega-slice of chocolate pie. (It could be Oreo pie?) It clearly illustrates the fact that Pam is more than just a kick-ass triathlete / endurance hotshot. She's also an epicure. This pic makes us hungry and reminds us that it's okay to eat junky stuff once in a while.

pamWe'll be posting more phave photos in the days to come, including MTN's 2012 Pic of the Year. Stay tuned, okay.
