Rolling With Gump...

gumpGoing Off Course - Greg Albrecht's co-favorite movie (with "Casablanca") is "Forrest Gump." The handsome triathlete / multisport coach / Executive Recruiter / Scarlett Johanson fetish-guy claims to "identify" with the fictitious character, who was brilliantly portrayed by Tom Hanks.


Because he, like Gump, had to wear leg braces when he was a youngster.

Check out this unassailable evidence:

* Both Forrest and Greg had soul mates whose first name started with "J." Forrest's was a former hippy / doper / nude folk singer named "Jenny." Greg's is a lovely graduate of Eagle River HS who once owned a "Strawberry Alarm Clock" album named "Julie." The soul mate is named "Julie," not the album.greg & julie

* Both Gump and Albrecht have IQs higher than 74. Forrest's was 75. Greg's is almost twice that high, despite the fact that he, by his own admission, doesn't spell too good. It should be noted that history is overflowing with incredibly smart people who couldn't get past the first round of a Spelling Bee. Einstein, for instance, had trouble spelling his own name. (We're talking about one of the bagel guys, not the theoretical physicist.)

* Shell fish are very important in the lives of both Forrest Gump and Greg Albrecht. Gump was a shrimp boat captain and co-flounder/owner of the Bubba Gump Shrimp Company. Greg's favorite meal is Scallops Mornay, which has shrimp in it.

* Forrest and Greg are runners. Gump jogged across America several times. Albrecht ran the Chicago Marathon several times.

* Greg and Forrest both like butter pecan ice cream.

Convinced yet? We thought so.

Greg Albrecht is a kind and gentle man who has great taste in books (the amazing novels Wally Lamb & John Irving), music (Springsteen!), nuts (cashews) and beer (Grain Belt Premium, America's most underrated cheap lager). He likes Abraham Lincoln and his grandfather (his own, not Abe's) and has been to Kauai more than once.

Greg's a great guy. Check out his un-edited bio, which is full of charming misspellings*:

Personal stuff:

scallopsHometown? Eden Prairie now, grew up in St. Paul, MN; Lived in Chicago for 18 years
