
Paying Forward...



ED. We got an email for CycleHealth a few days ago. You may have gotten it, too. Even if you did, read it again. It's good stuff.
By Tony Schiller

May I be Frank with you?
Frank Wethern was a jogger before jogging was cool. As he set out for a Saturday morning jog in April of 1973, a voice in his head told him to stop at...

a neighbor's house and invite their 15-year old son to join him. With 11 kids of his own, he was plenty busy. It would've been easier for him to jog on by. But he didn't. He knocked at the door and invited the kid to come and run with him.

To Frank's surprise, the kid agreed to join him. It was only a mile, and Frank had no grand plan. In fact, the two never ran together again. 

That kid was me. Running wasn't part of my life when Frank knocked at my door. After being cut from seven different sports teams, my confidence had tanked. I was struggling in every way a kid can struggle. Frank didn't know I was struggling like that, but he knew what jogging had done for him, and he sensed I could use some sweat in my life.

The invitation from Frank and the one mile we ran together changed everything. It lit a spark in me that gave me the courage to join the track team, and I began to sweat everyday. For the first time in my life, I was able to concentrate in school, and I turned my grades around. I made new friends, and started to believe I could do great things.

The world has changed a lot since 1973, but some things remain the same. There's still nothing like an invitation from a caring adult to light a spark in a kid for life. CycleHealth exists to be like Frank for all kids, and we need your help to reach them. Our events and fitness challenges are the perfect way to introduce kids to a love of sweat for life.

Be Frank to a Kid: In the next 72 hours, invite one or more kids to race in our next two events, the Resilinator and the BreakAway Kids Tri. Entry fees are at season-low right now. It's the best time to get registered.

