
Buffalo Within Touching Distance...


By Katy Bloomquist Freytag (Lawyer, triathlete, horselover - still sad that "House" was cancelled)


Wildlife Loop Half IM - Race report.

Swim: air temp around 40... water was in the 50s. Some said 50 some said mid 50s. It didn’t matter either way, it was cold.

I thought I had warmed up as adjusted. Not so. Got a migraine and asthma attack quickly. I was in pain and couldn’t breathe - usually swim is my happy place. It was not today. It was survival....

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DKT's Back! But For How Long?....



Thad is THAD INGERSOLL, who convinced his next-door neighbor DAVID THOMPSON, the famous former "DKT," the pro triathlete who retired in 2016 after winning at least 108 multisport races, to particpate at the Platinum edition (20-year) of the Square Lake Sprint, which sure doesn't feel "sprinty" when you're doing it.

We were among the many who were anxious to watch David. At 42, we wondered if his waistline had expanded a bit and his hair was either getting  a tad thinner or greyer, or both. Could he throw down like he did back in the day? we wondered.

Turns out he can. Four years have not added or subtracted much. He looked the same. And he basically raced the same, too.

So yes, he won the race rather handily, and looked great doing it. Very fun to watch....

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Breakout Performances....


SQUARE LAKE 70.3 - Circumstances dictated that this year's swim be shortened from 1.0 to .5. However, when this race was reconfigured in 2018 the bike and run distances actually exceeded the standard 56 and 13.1, adding perhaps one-and-a-half combined additional miles. So, if one wants to be a tad closer to precise, a term that which does not apply to most triathlon courses, you could say that last Saturday's Square Lake race was at least 70.3. (One Garmin estimated that the 2019 race mileage was in the 71.8 range.)

This race is a true toughie. The hills have hills. Making things even more arduous on Saturday were wet, chilly conditions. Swim temps were in the low-to-mid 60s, which was abuot 10-degrees warmer than the air temps. Early rain gave way to spitty mist which made the bike course greasy. It was understandable that the DNS and DNF rate axed about 25% of the field.

But 96 hearty souls went the distance and were able to, despite the chill, bask in the respctive glows of their respective feats, knowing that Square Lake 70.3 has our state's "hardest-to-earn" finish line....

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Campfire Songs & Yelling Feet...



By Jennifer Martone

Square Lake 70.3 race report: 
To begin, a big shout out to Judi at MMR for putting on a safe and socially distant triathlon this year! Not an easy feat with park regulations and a forecast of steady rain making attracting volunteers a struggle. Kudos to everyone that helped on 9/12, a sincere thank you....

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No Fees, No Bibs, Self-Timed....


By Jason Larson

Hi MTN Guys - Here's a brief summary of the second triathlon training race we had at Square lake park on Aug 8, 2020. Because of COVID, we decided to put together one last group triathlon.

However, just because it was a popup tri doesn't mean we weren't racing! We had around 17 racers again for this second edition....

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