
Childless Stay At Home Dad...

chadGoing Off Course - Decorated triathlete / duathlete / intrepid climber of things / mild-mannered guy Chad Millner is a civil engineer.

Does anyone who is not a civil engineer really know what a civil engineer does? Our best guess is that a civil engineer is a polite person who either designs stuff or drives a train. We suspect that Chad Millner is a courteous train driver.

Why? ....

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A Duck Walks Into A Pharmacy...

duckiesBEST OF MINNESOTA: Swim Course Poll Results Are In...

By Darin Wieneke

...And the top vote getter for the best swim course in Minnesota, garnering nearly 30.6% of the votes, is the Buffalo Triathlon swim course. Square Lake and Lake Minnetonka rounded out the podium by each receiving 21.6% of the votes. (Vote results tallied on December 27, 2010)

A duck walks into a pharmacy and asks for Chapstick. The cashier says,

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What They Got...


Warren Peece - My wife got me Ray LaMontagne's "God Willin' and the Creek Don't Rise." I got her "Farmer's Daughter," Crystal socksBowersox's brilliant debut CD. Of the two, I like the Bowersox album best. As you may have guessed, I actually got "Farmer's Daughter" for myself, but Poopsy thinks it's for her.

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A Graphic Smorgasboard...

carolBy Bonnie Marley

Movie Review - The remaking of classical movies terrifies me. I don

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More Poetic Stuff...

By Bonnie Euphony bonnie book

Twas the night before Christmas

And all through the land

Not a triathlete was sleeping

But rather making a plan

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