
Make History!

logoRace Preview - The inaugural Life Time Leadman Triathlon in Nevada was a "Wait-and-See" race. Lots of athletes were interested in the event, but it was soooooo unique and challenging that they chose to wait-and-see how it went. Maybe they'll sign up for next year's event if all goes well this time around.

Well, only 49 intrepid souls chose to do that event, and less than half of them finished. Still, what the waiters-and-seers learned via post-race word-of-mouth is that they missed a helluva race, one that's destined for greatness and humongous participant numbers.

Leadman was a FANTASTIC event!

The inaugural TwinCities Triathlon is also a wait-and-see race. About 300 have accepted the challenge so far, while thousands of others are waiting to see how an urban tri with a Mississippi River swim turns out....

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Racing Stuff...

samjen* RACINE STUFF - Elite St. Paulian Sam Janicki (photo) made his half IM debut at Racine 70.3 on Sunday. After satisfying swim (28:33) and bike splits (2:18:46), Sam admitted that his run time (1:39) "needs a lot of work." Still, his 4:29:38 was a very encouraging rookie effort. He placed 27th overall / 12th amateur and 4th in his 25-29 AG. Don't be surprised if The Sam-inator anchors his next half with a 1:20-25 run.

FYI, he's scheduled to race at Chisago next weekend.

MTN congratulates all the Minnesotans who accepted the Racine 70.3 challenge. And please stay tuned for Jennifer Martone's race report, which will post later this week...

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Mid-Season Report Card...

brandoncalebgretahannah(Photos L - R - Junior stars Brandon Onopa, Caleb Vukovich, Greta Danielson and Hannah Strom.)

We thought it would be cool to do some "Mid-Season Report Card" posts, even though the season is actually two-thirds over, which makes us sad.

As for the Report Card stuff, what we plan to do is acquaint you with the athletes that, at this point in time, appear destined to receive MMA nominations next autumn. But anything can happen tomorrow. New names on the scenes. Sub-par efforts. Injuries. Stuff like that....

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Wet Work...

humidityHOLT XXVI Coverage - Twas not a day for records, unless heat index and dew points are the records you're looking for. But that's not what we're talking 'bout here. Purely and simply, it was a tough-ass day, for everyone but that lovable mutant Jan Guenther, who actually enjoys these kinds of extreme conditions, and performances suffered.

It became clear, though "clear" is an odd word to use here, when folks were driving to Annandale on race morning that expectations had to be altered. What appeared to be a ubiquitous ground fog was just saturated air. Viscous, the dankness felt like 10W-30 on the skin.

At 6 AM it was already 80 degrees, but felt like 90. And the dew points were in the mid-70s. And conditions would worsen by the hour....

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HOLT Stuff...

logoHeart of the Lakes - Extravagant humidity, unkind heat and an even more turgid heat index did not prevent the 26th edition of the Heart of the Lakes / Minnesota State Triathlon Championship from achieving its signature spectacularity this morning. Gosh, this was a fine event!

Pre-race faves, Dan Hedgecock and Becky Youngberg, lived up to their billing. And so much other cool stuff happened. Extensive words and photos will post tomorrow. Stay tuned.

