
Pushing Mega-Watts....& Other Stuff...

logoHey MTN Guys

Sam Janicki won stage 1 of the Winter Racing Series, beating out a whole gaggle of Canadians. He pushed an incredible 322 watts through the 37 minutes it took him to complete the course. Alex Barrette, 16, a local young up-and-comer (Houlton, WI), took 3rd in the sprint points.jason

By the way, we've added a Sunday afternoon heat due to demand. Series Info LINK

- Jason Goepfert

ED. Have any of you met Jason? You'd remember him if you had. He's not only a great looking guy and one of the coolest dudes you'll ever meet, he's also seven or eight feet tall. This guy is seriously vertical!.....

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Back to His Roots...

lanceEd. You many have already read this cool interview of Lance Armstrong, who has sorta returned to triathlon after a 22-year absence. But if you didn't, check it out here. As you know, Lance, who used to be Cheryl Crow's Main Squeeze (and who brushes his teeth almost every day --photo L), is a major stud. What you may not have known, though, is that Minnesota triathlete, Angie Hop, has a debiliating crush on him.

By Julie Pollerino (for Triathlon.competitor.com)

Before he was a bicycling legend or a high-profile cancer crusader, Lance Armstrong was one hell of a triathlete. A pro at 16, he was a top-ranked junior for a few years before he became singularly focused on the bike. More than two decades later, Armstrong, now 40, recently...

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2012 Triathloscopes...

zodiacED. In addition to Astrology, Erika is also into Head-Bump-ology (we forget the official name of that one!), Plant Perception and a host of other totally cool pseudosciences.

by Erika Sperl-Imhoff

The new year brings all sorts of exciting things, including setting goals and making plans. But how much easier would it be to set those goals/make those plans if you had some insight from the stars? Before you get too far ahead of yourselves, here are your 2012 triathloscopes*.


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The Dishwasher Nazi...

jim/paulWARNING: This post may contain slight exaggerations.

(Photo L - Jim Felling with his arm around a guy with a hat and a beer.)

Going Off Course - Handsome, cool dude, River Falls Triathlete / Livestock management guy, Jim Felling, has had more girlfriends than Wilt Chamberlain. The fact that he has never been married, however, is not because he prefers to be a single, swinging playboy bachelor guy; or that he has serious commitment issues.

In truth, he yearns--that's right! He actually yearns!--for a soul mate, one with whom he can settle down, raise a passel of little Fellings, and achieve a transcendent state of domestic Nirvana-ish bliss.

But Jim has yet to find that perfect girl, one who is totally hot AND knows how to properly load a dishwasher. And while Jim has dated a plethora of hotties, none of them possessed adequate dishwasher loading skills and, therefore, had to be dumped. For Jim Felling, aka "The Dishwasher Nazi," not scraping egg yolk off a breakfast....

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2012 Race Registration Updates...

blDid you hope to get into the Northwoods Triathlon this year? We hope not. It's already full.

Yup, for the second straight, consecutive, back-to-back year in a row, the Nevis-based Tri Minnesota Series race has filled faster than its 80+ Minnesota multisport counterparts. Way to go, Northwoods! Guess this means that you'll never advertise on MTN, huh?...

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