
Stuff About People...

melissaERICssheenaRace Coverage - The guy that MTN assigned to cover the Life Time - Chanhassen Indoor Tri last Saturday overslept on race morning. He later explained that he was watching a "24" marathon on Netflix and hoped to get to bed by 11 PM, but at 10:59 Jack Bauer got exposed to a weapon's-grade pathogen and had to be sprayed with a power washer and scrubbed with...

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Basic Bike Maintenance Stuff...

chainringBy Mackenzie Lobby

(This article originally appeared in the Summer 2011 issue of USA Triathlon Magazine.)

Owning a whole lot of cool gear is one of the major perks to being a triathlete. Hours are spent finding the right wetsuit, tri suit and running shoes. Much research is invested into everything from sunglasses to hydration systems to high tech socks. Perhaps most attention, however, is paid to a triathlete

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Skittles, Mickey's & Crispy Bacon...

skittlesbig mouthbacon(ED. We originally posted this feature in the fall of 2010. We're recycling it here because we want to introduce even more of our readers to Paul Mollett, who is one of our favorite people.)

Going Off Course - Chaska triathlete Paul Mollett is a totally cool and interesting guy. Take our word for it: You want to party with this dude....

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Ironman's Physical Toll....

finish line(Photo by Joe Jaszewski / Idaho Statesman)

By Matt Fitzgerald (triathlon.competitor.com)

In the past year Chris McCormack, Julie Dibens and Chrissie Wellington have announced they will take a step back from Ironman racing for various reasons. All were at the top of their careers and have emphasized the toll that Ironman training and racing takes on the body. The following story explains exactly what the body goes through over 140.6 miles of racing. This story originally appeared in the January/February, 2009 edition of Inside Triathlon magazine.

From the outside, swimming, cycling and running appear as movement. But from inside the triathlete

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Henry's Words & Indoor Tri Stuff...

logoDear MTN Readers,

As the race director for one of Minnesota

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