
Denis Leary, Broomballing & a Google-Eating Dog...

pabellonIRONMAN FLORIDA STUFF - Yesterday we shared some cool info about some of the Minnesotans who will be doing Ironman Florida this weekend. Here's some stuff about some of the other Loon Staters who'll be participating.evan


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Minnesotans Invade the Sunshine State...

flAt least 35 Minnesotans are registered for this weekend's Ironman Florida. Instead of simply wishing the entire group well, or listing names, we decided to tell you some cool stuff about most (30) of those participants, i.e. the ones who have Facebook pages. We'll deal with half of these folks today, and the rest on Thursday.zoot


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Long-Term Memory, Tats & Foxy Shazam...

memory(WARNING: This post contains copious amounts of pure gibberish.)

Going "Off Course" - Do you remember who sat next to you in third grade?

Lakeville triathlete Bill Benning does.

Wait! Bill doesn't know who sat next to YOU back then; but he clearly recalls who HE sat next to. He'd have to be clairvoyant to know who you sat next to.

We digress.

Chances are good that if you are more than two decades old, you don't remember stuff like your grade school seating assignments. But Bill does. That's because he suffers from "LTM." ...

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The Sartell-Ottawa Connection....


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Triumphant Return...

dennis(Photo - We hope Iowa photographer JT doesn't mind us using one of this shot of Dennis Dane. We've seen lots of his--JT's--stuff, and it's really good. Minnesota isn't the only place with major league triathlon photographers.)

DENNIS IS BACK! - The surname "Dane" isn't even Danish. That seems wrong, doesn't it?

The name is actually an old English deal, meaning "Valley Dweller." It thus seems prophetic, sorta, that triathlete Dennis Dane really is a valley dweller, sorta. He's from Golden Valley, one of the Twin Cities most valleyless suburbs. It's kinda like Montevideo, the little one in Minnesota, not the big one in Uruguay, from which one can gaze in every direction and still not view a mountain.

We digress....

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