
2022 Sartell Apple Duathlon Preview - Part II...


2022 SARTELL APPLE DUATHLON PREVIEW - Part II - As promised, here are the current Age Group records of the 40-year-old Sartell Apple Duathlon:

0019  - Nick Klonne - 1:30:52 – 2015 - (2015 Minnesota Junior of the Year)
Amy Briscoe (Winnipeg, MAN, CAN) -  1:42:03 – 2004 - (A top Canadian Junior, Raced as an ITU pro & is a professional cyclist)

4044 - Peter Skorseth - (WI) - 1:23:56 – 2005 - (Former track & XC star at Marquette University, Minnesota Master Athlete of the Year and Most Improved in 2005)
Becky Youngberg - 1:35:43 - 2019 - (Former Minnesota Triathlete of the Year, 2x Minnesota Master of th Year, 2019 Minnesota Duathlete of the Year, 2004 Most Improved)

4549 - Kevin O'Connor - 1:27:38 – 2016 (Former US National Master Duathlete of the Year)
Jan Guenther - 1:37:58 – 2006 (Former US National Master Duathlon Champion, 3x Minnesota Triathlete of the Year, winner of an unprecedented 19 Minnesota Multisport Awards)

5054 - Andy Ames (CO)  - 1:29:24 – 2013 (Multiple Duathlon Nationals AG wins, former US Masters Duathlete of the Year, Duathlon Worlds Medalist)
Jan Guenther  - 1:40:21 – 2009...

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2022 Apple Preview - Part I...


applelaunch.jpgSARTELL APPLE DUATHLON PREVIEW - Part I - The historic 40th edition of America's oldest ongoing run-bike-run is happening next Saturday (May 21 - 5K on May 20). To honor this iconic event, we are sharing some competitive history. Here are the Top 10 fastest times for men and women on Apple's challenging 5K - 33K - 5K course. Note that every male athlete listed is a former National Duathlon Champion and/or US Duathlete of the Year, and four of six women in the Top 10 have similar credentials.


1. Ryan Giuilano, IL - 1:19:46 – 2019 – AMCR  - ( Former US Duathlete of the Year, multiple podium finishes at Du Nationals))
2. David Thompson (P) -  1:19:57 – 2010 - PCR - (Former US Ekite National Champion, Elite Duathlete of the Year, multiple Powerman Alabama wins)
3. Matt Payne  - 1:20:45 – 2015 (2x Duathlon National Champion; Former US Amateur Duathlete of the Year)
4. David Thompson (P) - 1:20:52 – 2007
5. David Thompson (P) - 1:20:54 – 2009 ...

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The Unhealthy Triathlete...


By Jordan Blanco (active.com)

As a triathlete, your training likely keeps you in good physical shape, right? That's what I had always assumed.

For 10 straight years, I passed on the annual medical check-up offered by my doctor, given that I trained hard and I ate a healthy diet. Over the last few years, I brushed off a decline in my bike power and a slowing in my run times as old age. After all, I am in my 40's! I threw in a few other explanations for the slide in my performances: work stress, less quality training, not enough run miles, mistimed taper, not tough enough, etc. I'm good at that sort of thing....

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Start Line Feels...


By Shyanne McGregor

Start line feels…

I’ve had races when I’ve been super calm at the start line and races when I’m fighting back anxiety ridden tears.

Part of that is expectation I put on myself, but another part is just the things that happen in my body in those moments.

The fight or flight response to these stressful pre race moments can cause an increased heart and breathing rate, shakiness, butterflies, nausea, dry mouth, the feeling of having to pee even though you just went 10 minutes ago. If we don’t understand why these things are happening, we can interpret them as more of a panic response leading to even more anxiety that something bad may happen to us….

It’s how we perceive what happens to us, not what’s actually happening. If We perceive these things as signs of “impending doom” we could freeze up or panic. ...

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Fitness & Healthfulness Are Not the Same Thing...


Photo - We couldn't find a photo that worked with this post, so we inserted this shot Chrissie Wellington's calves. 

By Nancy Clark, MS, RD (beginnertriathlete.com)

Nutrition advice for those who run fast, bike far, but can't say no to cookies

As he indulged in a jumbo sugar-covered fried pastry, the runner unabashedly remarked, “I’m skinny; I can eat this.” Well, the truth is even skinny runners die suddenly of heart attacks and strokes. Heart disease is the number-one killer, ahead of cancer, and accounts for one in four deaths. No one can out-run a bad diet.

While we’ve all heard let food be thy medicine, the latest dietary advice from the American Heart Association (AHA) focuses less on individual foods and nutrients (such as eggs, meat, fat, sodium) and more on lifestyle and lifelong dietary patterns. Given cardiovascular disease (CVD) starts in the womb, adopting heart-healthy eating patterns early and maintaining them...

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