
Don't Be THAT Triathlete...

blahTop 4 things NOT to do...

By Steve Harrington (for ezinearticles.com)

I am sure we all know someone like this...

Here are the top 4...

1) Do NOT keep talking about training and how little time you have. Some people wear it like a badge and become a martyr to lack of time. It is VERY boring for friends, family and colleagues who feel their own time pressures and do not understand your sport or even why you would want to do it....

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Stuff About Full Body Running...

lisaED. Last week we received this email from Lisa Walker who knows a lot of stuff about running and movement and performance.

Dear MTN:

I am writing to let you know about a very cool, very different workshop for runners: Full Body Running.

This running workshop will be unlike any other running training you have ever experienced. You will learn to sense clearly how you are coordinating your whole body. Emphasis will be placed on finding the most efficient, safe and enjoyable way to run.

One thing that is unique about this training is that we will not skip the first and most important step; each participant will become aware (sometimes brutally aware) of their own habits that are getting in the way. In this workshop I

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Becoming Fast...Or Not...

runnersTraining Partners by Luis Vargas

If you ever wondered why is it that you can keep up with certain training partners in training but they always finish ahead of you in a race then read on. I will offer a possible explanation.

When I joined the sport I was just like any new athlete to the sport. I became friends with triathletes who apparently had been around the block and knew what to do. I was always asking questions and joined them in their training sessions. I figured if it does not kill me it will make me stronger. This strategy worked for a while. I was determined and I felt like I had talent.

My body was very good at assimilating training and improving, it did over my many years of swimming and of high school running. This strategy worked to get me to the finish line of my first triathlon the Bud Light USTS Houston 1986 but my big improvements came once I moved and luckily I found some great training partners that I was more compatible with. By the...

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M.O.M.S. Club...

angBy Angie Mracek kids

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Tri-ing to Change the World...


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