
Muncie Meltdown...


By Devon Palmer (palmertri.wordpress.com)

I always think that I like half Ironmans. And I really do like them, when they go well. I have just run the numbers and I

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Saturday Tri Results...

tom (Photo - Brian Lavelle lookalike, Tom Skerritt. You remember Tom, don't you? He played "Viper" in "Top Gun" and was the horniest of the horny surgeons on "M.A.S.H.", the movie, not the TV show.)

CHASE THE POLICE IV - Likely Rookie of the Year nominee Casey Miller picked up his first career win. Despite chilly and super-windy conditions, he turned in the 2nd fastest time in race history. Like Miller, Cheryl Zitur recorded her first career W and set a 45-49W course record in the process. Brian Lavelle told one of the MTN guys that he wanted to get mentioned on the site. He deserves to be the way he's been racing. Today, Brian torched the CPT men's 50-54 CR and looked darn good doing it. He looks a little like actor Tom Skerritt, you know. We don't have any photos of Brian, so we posted one of Skerritt, instead.

Better Than A Race Report

shaneED. In lieu of Tri For a Cause race coverage, we posted this beautiful letter from Shane Johnson on Friday, then the site blew up and this post was lost. We're re-posting here.


I tried putting together something like you asked, however I what I ended up writing is more of a thank you to you and your volunteers. I am sorry to use a clich

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Chisago -

Chisago swimChisago Half & Sprint - The 7th edition of this annual classic will be staged, as always, at Paradise Park in Chisago City on Sunday. Being somewhat nerdy, we like statistical stuff and will share some historical race stats with you here. As much as we like figures and numbers, we also like to not have to create new prose for the website every day. So here are the Chisago Lakes Half and Sprint records and some observations and predictions about Sunday's races.

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Love for Protectors & Servers & Cheeseheads...

shell lake1st annual SHELL LAKE TRIATHLON - This event is the latest addition to the Frontrunner USA roster of multisport events and it will be staged in a cool village in western Wisconsin that is named for the lake next door. The town is well-known for its art center and summer jazz camp for kids. We thought you'd like to know.

We heard that Brendon O'Flanagan, who should receive a

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