
Happy Birthday Bob!...UPDATED..

bob-90.gifBy Tom Couillard

Triathlete Bob Powers ages up to the 90-94 age group today … his 90th birthday, June 28, 2014. Bob is a … Marine through and through (combat vet of WW II and Korea with three Purple Hearts and the Navy Cross), patriot, family man, proud St. Thomas alum, Beartowner, friend to all, all-around good guy, and recovering from a broken hip. Happy birthday and get well! (Photo from 2006.)

- MTN congratulates Suzie Fox on her dominating victory at the uber-challenging Quartermax Tri in Missouri this morning. Suzy cracked the overall Top 10 and bettered her closest challenger--Stephanie Lundeby of Alexandria, VA - by 11:55! RESULTS


Gwen Jorgensen (St. Paul, MN - USA) ran herself into the history books on Saturday as the first women to claim six World Triathlon Series titles clinching victory...

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Stuff About Training in Hot Weather...

HEAT-RUNNER.gifBy Daniel Scagnelli (usatriathlon.org)

As summer approaches, it’s important that you plan and prep appropriately when exercising in the hot and humid conditions.
Your Body’s Response to Exercising in the Heat
Exercising in the heat is an added stress to the body because it is much more difficult for your body to thermo-regulate itself. Your body’s natural response is to cool itself, so naturally you send more blood to the skin to help facilitate the cooling process. However, this takes blood away from the working muscles and vital organs, which causes your heart rate to increase. You will be losing more sweat as a result, so it is important to stay.....

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Proud of His Wife...

renee-burton.gifBy David Burton

Renee Gittens grew up west of the Cities in Rockford and trained with her high school cross country team in the Lake Rebecca Park reserve that Liberty Tri takes place in now.  Renee also competed in Gymnastics and Track.  She always wanted to compete in the pole vault but they didn’t let girls do that in the 80’s.

Renee  (photo) and her Cross Country team competed at the small school cross country state championship her senior year in High School. During the winter of the same year, she suffered a badly torn ACL during a gymnastics training session that doctors told her would end her running career.

Flash forward 20 years and the pain in her knee had her back at the orthopedic surgeons office just hoping to walk normally again. The doctor told her that if she was willing to work hard at her rehab she would not only be able to walk – she could run if she wanted.

At that time Renee, now Renee Burton, and I were both about 40 lbs overweight but we were ready to make a change and over the next 5 years Renee and I worked our way from walking around the block to running around it – eventually competing in local 5k races.   She started picking up age group awards that reinforced her motivation and kept us training....

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Rising to the Challenge...

lisa-leonard.gifBy Lisa Leonard (Team Nevada)

Race Report - Best of the US, Olympic Triathlon, St Paul, MN

As an invitational only race I knew this would be certainly the toughest race of the year so far. In Triathlon you often race against your 'age group' however this was a flat out race against the best amateur triathletes in the USA. Current and former national champions, triathlete of the year, long course national champion...this race had them. It was a small but incredibly stacked field. My biggest fear...making a complete embarrassment of myself, letting down everyone who has supported me in getting here. As a relatively last minute race, my coach Jeremy Wallace wasnt sure it was the best decision to go - I had just come away from racing 4 out of 5 weekends in May including a half ironman (2nd), state TT championship (1st), Devlees Road Race (2nd) and Sand hollow sprint triathlon (1st). Our focus was supposed to be shifting towards prep for Ironman 70.3 Worlds in September. Nevertheless, with support from the awesome people at Bike Shop Henderson I found myself able to travel to Minnesota for this prestigious event. Eyeing up the competition at the 'Meet n Greet' on Saturday was pretty nerve racking but by this point I had shifted my focus to concentrating on my performance - the result had to be secondary....

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Mom Said, "You Don't Look Too Good"...

R3-logo.gifBy Kortney Haag

REV 3 RACE REPORT - I have always wanted to try out a Rev 3 race but the last couple of years this race didn’t fit into my schedule because it was too close to Ironman Wisconsin with it being in August. This year, however, they moved the race to June so Derek and I decided to give it a go. Derek is racing Ironman Wisconsin this year and so we knew it would be great training for him with the hills…however, he had his appendix removed 4 weeks ago so this was definitely a training race for him. I wanted to do well at this race and use it as a test to see where the fitness is with Kona being 3.5 months out. I knew it was going to be hilly…but WOW I didn’t realize how hilly! Ironman Wisconsin has nothing on this course…I would have cried if I had to do that course one more time!

I didn’t know what to expect that morning as I am not superstitious but during my pre race warm up my bike helmet fell apart and I had to rubber band it together and then I ran over and killed a squirrel when I was warming up on the bike!  ---

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