
74 Newbies & Captain Upright...

nistler.gifED. Last weekend we asked Hopkins Royal Triathlon Founder/Director Doobie Kurus if we could peak at his entrants list so we could post a race preview. The race is next Saurday (August 30) at Shady Oak Park. This was the Doobster's reply:
A couple of interesting notes:  The race sold out back in July at 315 people.  Devon Palmer and Kortney Haag are our guest emcee/announcers.  Over 60% of the field are women.  The oldest competitor is 84 (John Markham) and the youngest is 12.  We have 15 each competing as Clydesdales and Athenas.  We have 74 trying the Newbies distance.  We have 4 sisters, daughters of retired triathlete, Charles "Bud" McJilton (over 90 years old now) in the field, one coming from Seattle, WA.  We have a Chaska school teacher, Josh Sell, who is doing triathlons to raise awareness and money for the St. Baldrick's Foundation for kids w/ cancer. 
The best story yet is Heather Nistler (photo L), a school nurse from McGregor, MN.  She had reconstructive shoulder surgery, and her doctors told her she might never swim again. Early on her road back to recovery, she couldn't even swim one length in the pool without stopping to reach for the wall in pain.  She trained all summer, and finally built up to a 1/2 mile swim...

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Anderson & Andres Win at Whipple...

BAXTER-SWIM.gifBy Shelly Summer (BrianerdDispatch.com)

BAXTER - Early morning thunderstorms did nothing to hinder the 152 athletes who crossed the finish line in Sunday's Lakes Country Triathlon.
Thomas Anderson III, 38, finished with a time of 1:03.18 to win in his first Lakes Country Triathlon.

The Minneapolis resident, who has family ties to the lakes area, competed in three other triathlons in 2014 with one coming the day before the Lakes event.

"I was into marathons and started cycling a bit and someone suggested that I should do a triathlon and I did and it was fun," said Anderson. "A lot of these things...

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Superior Stuff, Man...

boat-jumper.gifBy Warren Peece

SUPERIOR MAN III – Last season’s Superior Man won the “Race of the Year” award. Did this year’s event live up to that legacy?

It sure did. In our opinion, SM III was superior to SM II in almost every regard.

It helped that the weather was cooperative. Temps were 30+ degrees cooler than in 2013, and though it was windy and even rained intermittently, the participants didn’t complain. Most of them were too busy setting personal bests, albeit unofficial ones.

A significant portion of the field cheered when Race Co-Director Clint Agar announced that “a current thing” necessitated a .3 shortening of the swim course, though eventual runner-up Marcus Stromberg, who is totally anal when it comes to measuring training and racing distances, would insist later that the choppy yet fast (swimmers swam with the current much of the way) route was, according to his GPS, actually .37 short. Thus the total...

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Kris & Christina Throw Down...

mg-transition.gifLIFE TIME TRI - MAPLE GROVE - A huge field (1500+) and ideal racing conditions (cloudy with mild temps) contributed to exciting racing on Saturday at spectacular Weaver Lake Park in Maple Grove.

The fast times, though, were more a result of heavy-duty pulling and pushing on the race course than field size and cooperative weather.

The men's Olympic was highlighted by Kevin O'Connor pulling eventual winner Kris Spoth to a personal best victory, one which earned him (Kris) his yet unclaimed three "Fun Size" Snicker's bars, provided by MTN. Climbing the seemingly Alpsian hill that took the athletes on their second 5K lap of the run course, it was clear that...

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"Dad, You Don't Look So Good"....

HITS-finish-2014.gifBy JP Fahey

HITS - WACONIA FULL DISTANCE RACE REPORT - “I awoke last night to the sound of thunder, how far off, I sat and wondered!”  No die hard triathlete sleeps well the night before their next triathlon.  What would the weather be like?  The forecast called for high 80s with high humidity, an older triathlete’s nightmare.  Saturday August 16, HITS 140.6 Full distance triathlon, Lake Waconia, Waconia, MN.  2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike and 26.2 run, a 140.6 miles of pure bliss and hell!  This was the first ever race in the Midwest sponsored by the upcoming East Coaster HITS.  Also this was the first time there has ever been a 140.6 distance triathlon race conducted in MN.

As we prepared our gear in T1, we looked across the calm waters of Lake Waconia with the majestic Coney Island as a back drop.  The temp was near 70, foggy,  overcast and humid.  The 70.3 and 140.6 participants started together at 7:00 am.  Lake Waconia, although green this time of year, was  very refreshing.  The overcast skies held until about 1:00 pm, letting the athletes push their bikes to the limits.  The sun burnt off the forgiving clouds and turned the HITS marathon course into an oven!  High temps and high humidity make for cramping and walking during the run! ...

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