
Exotic Locales: Kawalhae, HI, Whistler, BC, Crosby, MN...

MA-kona.gifED. The MTN Guys miss Iron Girl  Michelle Andres. We haven't seen her since the Liberty Half in 2012, you know. She's done some world class racing since then, but always in exotic locales, like Kona and Verona, Wisconsin. We're starting to forget what she looks like. Not really. A few days ago we emailed her and inquired about her racing plans for 2015, to which she replied:


I feel like I have been a pendulum since Kona swinging back and forth with my athletic goals and just being a mom. One day I want to break records and the next I'm telling myself to just enjoy my boys. It's always a struggle to find the balance. I do have some for sure Tri plans which are:

- Honu 70.3... This will be at the end of a ten day training camp

- IM Canada

- IM wisconsin

- Worlds in Chicago for the oly distance

Other possible events I'm planning on but I haven't registered for are:  ...

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Butt Dimples & Whole Foods Shoppers...

butt-dimples.gifLIFE TIME EAGAN INDOOR TRIATHLON - Via email, we asked Ross Weinzierl to write a race report after last Sunday's Life Time Eagan Indoor Tri. He never replied, but we're not mad at him. He's one of those guys that you can't stay mad at. Besides, he probably didn't respond because he was embarrassed, being totally smoked by Nicole Heininger, and all.

Well Heiney didn't actually "smoke" the furry, beer-loving Weinzierl. Overall, she only beat him by three points. Their swims were identical and RW only managed to outride her by a tenth of a mile over 30 minutes, then Heiney  crushed him in the run, covering 2.87 miles to his 2.7. In the end, in a field of 57 participants, Nicole placed 4th overall and Rossy rounded out the....


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Cow Selfies & Newfound Love....

jacob-and-cow.gifLIFE TIME CROSSTOWN INDOOR TRIATHLON - Last Sunday, LIfe Time Fitness produced 75 indoor tris in the US, 12 of which were here in Minnesota. How cool is that! We are going to semi-cover as many of them as possible. Today, we'll tell you about the Crosstown Indoor in Eden Prairie, which isn't too far from Steve Sander's new house. Steve is a huge Vikings fan and thinks that Teddy Bridgewater might have star potential. He's still pissed about losing to the Bills in the last four seconds.

We digress.

The Crosstown indoor had 31 finishers. The event, like all of LTF's MN indoor tris, consists of a 10-minute pool swim, 30-minute stationary bike ride and a 20-minute treadmill run. A points system is used, though we think a total distance deal would be cool, too. No biggie.

The top point getters were Jacob Foss (87) and Lisa Lendway (84), who placed 2nd overall. Lisa, who is a HOOT!, out-lapped the entire field in the pool (31 - next best was 27 by Ryan Young), biked 22 mph and covered 3.03 miles on the treadmill, which was the second best pedestrian performance of the morning behind Foss (3:06)....


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Beware of Training Fads...

ForgetTheFads-561x421.gifBy Bethany Rutledge (triathlon.competitor.com)

The quick, trendy route to better performance seems more appealing than the long, traditional one, but you can’t shortcut your way to lasting results. Our thoughts on running fads to ignore, along with some timeless advice on maximizing your triathlon run performance:

Finding The Perfect Shoe
2011’s Born to Run started the barefoot and minimalist shoe movement, with believers scoffing at “traditional” running shoes.

The truth: Minimalist shoes could work for you if you’re a healthy, lighter runner. But be cautious. Going from thicker-heeled shoes to minimalist versions can wreak havoc on ....

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Developing Swim Workouts...

heather-detroit-swim.gifBy Heather Lendway (for gearwestbike.wordpress.com)

Depending on the distance triathlon you’re preparing for I would recommend spending at least three days a week at the pool if you want to see improvement in your times (anything less would likely just maintain your current speed).  One session should concentrate on longer distance sets to help build your aerobic capacity.  Another session should be more quality and speed work; swimming sets at and above your endurance threshold.  The third session should have more focus on technique including stroke work and drills.  If you’re training for an Ironman distance race you may want to get in four or five swim workout each week.   That said, no matter what distance you’re training for, you’ll achieve maximum improvement swimming 4-5 times a week, but anything more would greatly increase your injury risk.   If you can get a couple extra swim workouts in I would add a quality workout then a distance workout...

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