
Inspiration and Family Fun....


By Doobie Kurus

4WOMEN TRI RACE REPORT - It started with someone telling me, "The weather looks great this weekend for the 4WOMEN Tri!" Well if a flashflood, down trees blocking my street, and winds blowing my transition area and buoys around is great, I don't want to see what horrible weather looks like! 

Fortunately, our volunteers were able to pick things up and put them back in order in time for the wave of rain, I mean racers to arrive. We had over 150 women registered and joining us from 5 different states, and as far away as Michigan. Our oldest competitor was Judy "T-Rex" Rykken (age 84) and our youngest was Denali Perusse (age 3!), and they both made it a family thing! Judy, an inspiration for many, got her daughter, Anne Rykken, and granddaughter, Allie Rykken, to join her this year. Anne was bestowed the coveted #1 bib, for working to overcome her somewhat recent Parkinsons Syndrome, and viewing triathlons as a way to manage it, and engage in healthy activities with her family. We decided to give Anne #1, Judy #2, and Allie #3, which was pretty close to how they finished in their age group (Anne 3rd place, Judy 1st place, and Allie first place). Denali on the other hand was a willing participant with her mother, Yari, who does physical activities to help raise awareness for her daughter's list of medical issues, such as cerebral palsy, perinatal stroke, and cortical visual impairment. Being a preschool special education teacher myself, I welcomed the opportunity to find a way to make this happen. To find out more about Denali, go to: https://pledgeit.org/milesforlittlebee ...

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Records for Ted and Heather...

 Photo - Two-time MGO winner Ted Treise with freakishly handsome 2010 champ Devon Palmer.devonted.png

MAPLE GROVE OLYMPIC COVERAGE - TED TREISE is a pro, and he certainly has been racing like one in 2022. When not competing in national and interantional 70.3 events, he has been busy torching regional course records, many of which have stood for many years. It started at Buffalo Olympic (1:53:40). Then he threw down a barely believable 1:51:39 at Tri West. Then yesterday he sliced a pudgy 5:16 off Wade Cruser's course record at Maple Grove Olympic, his 1:49:05 arguably the the best performance by a Minnesota male triathete on Minnesota soil in the last several years.

HEATHER LENDWAY used to be a pro. After a three-year absence, she returned to racing and her results have been pro level, especially her performance at Maple Grove yesterday, when she blew away the women's course record. Her 2:01:30 was jaw-dropping, and lowered the women's seemingly untouchable, i.e. untouchable during Lendway's apparent retirement, at least, CR--Becky Youngberg's 2:05:01 set  in 2018--by 3:31. HL's time would have won the overall title in three of the twelve editions of this race....

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Exercise and Living Longer...


By Sara Berg, MS (ama-assn.org)

Consistent exercise is good for a person’s health and well-being—that is well known. But how many minutes of moderate or vigorous physical activity are needed to lower the risk of premature mortality? A study published in the journal Circulation defines that number and shares guidance on what level of physical activity is needed to maintain health and improve fitness.

While the 2018 physical activity guidelines recommend that adults engage in at least 150 to 300 minutes per week of moderate exercise, 75 to 150 minutes each week of vigorous movement or an equivalent combination of both intensities, it turns out that if adults do more than the recommended amount, it can help them live longer. Moderate physical activity is defined as walking, weightlifting and lower-intensity exercise. Meanwhile, vigorous exercise is categorized as running, bicycling and swimming....

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There Will Be Blood...


By Michael Weissenborn

Turtleman Race Report - Friday Night, Before the Race. Text conversation: 

Friend: Do you have a cute outfit picked out for racing?!?
Me: It's a tri suit. I bought it a few years ago.
Friend: So is it a cute outfit?!?
Me: It will be at the end of the race – when it's covered in sweat, snot, blood, and gels.
Friend: *shocked emoji face*

Little did I know how prophetic that conversation would be...

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YOUNG LIFE SPRINT TRIATHLON COVERAGE - In our race preview we predicted that rising star CAMI ECKHOFF would rewrite a course record. We were wrong. But she did set a new record...

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