
My Pro Debut...



Photo - Swimsuit models, Lisa and Heather Lendway ankle-deep in Tampa Bay.

By Heather Lendway (heatherlendway.com)

Clermont Draft Legal Challenge Race Report - The week leading into my very first race of the year was busy and didn’t leave me with much time to actually think about my coming race.  Between work, workouts, running to appointments for my knee pain, packing and traveling, my mind was on overdrive and I was maximizing every free minute, even more so than usual.  My flight to Orlando on Wednesday night was delayed almost two hours so I didn’t land in Florida until shortly after 1am.  Stopwatch Greg was waiting patiently to drive me back to our rented condo just south of Clermont.  Greg had arrived mid day Tuesday and was all settled into our lovely two bedroom, two bath condo (surprisingly one of the most affordable places to stay) by the time I arrived.  My head hit the pillow around 2:30 am but I struggled to fall asleep....

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A Podium for RBM?

rbm-poster.gifFrom Witsup.com

This weekend brings the second edition of the Ironman 70.3 Monterrey race and as one of the first North American races of the 2015 season, the women’s field is deep.

If you’re not familiar with this race, it starts with a wetsuit swim in the man-made Santa Lucia river in downtown Monterrey, Mexico. Competitors should note that the river is narrow and shallow but the riverside walkway will make for some great crowd support during the swim and the run. The bike course consists of two loops of relatively flat and fast terrain. A few technical sections will be the greatest challenge to the bike course with tight turns and even a cobblestone section to be negotiated on each lap. Finally, the two-loop run course takes runners along the river walkway where they swam earlier in the day.

The 18 strong start list includes multiple Ironman 70.3 champions making it a very challenging race to call. Canadians Angela Naeth and Magali Tisseyre have over twenty half-iron distance crowns and can be expected to be among the favourites for the race. While neither are likely to be in the lead swim pack, they both possess excellent bike and run skills making them both dangerous in the closing miles....

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Packing For Races...

compex.gifBy Heather Lendway (heatherlendway.com)

I thought it would be timely, with the season approaching, to talk about packing for races (my season opener was last Saturday, you can read more on my schedule on the Gear West Blog).  I keep a packing list for race travel and race day gear on my phone so I can stress a little less leading into races.  Some of the items on here may seem very obvious but it takes away some worry and makes packing mostly mindless.

Travel Race
These are my notes for packing for a “travel” race, a race where you are driving or flying and are staying in a hotel or doing a home stay.  All subsequent lists are relevant to this as well so I didn’t add items here that are already on another list.

Trainer – nice to have if you can, for a quick warm-up or workout, pending trip length.
Pedal wrench – If you have multiple bikes and need to move pedals around.
Bike lock – Nice to make it more difficult if someone were to break into your car . I also highly recommend insuring your bikes.
Travel coffee mug – If you like to carry coffee with you race day.
Jump rope – I always carry this for an easy workout or warmup....

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Tri-ing for Childcare...

indoortri15_31.gifBy Steve Stenzel (iwannagetphysical.blogspot.com)


Sunday was the day. After challenging Lisa to a race at the YWCA of Minneapolis Indoor Triathlon (with CHILDCARE on the line for the victor!) it was time to crown a winner. I got to the race early, and saw Lisa was already warming up....

We got changed and ready to race. I handed my camera to Laurie, one of the trainers/coaches at the Y who did a 10 mile race the day before AND THEN did the indoor tri in an earlier heat! Laurie took all the rest of the photos from the beginning through nearly the end of the run. Thanks Laurie!

SWIM: 600 yards:

We took off swimming. I tried to keep it a BIT easier for the first 100 because I knew I'd go out "hot" and die before the end. I kept my effort where I should have, but was pleasantly surprised to see a 1:23 as my first 100. I knew that'd slow to around 1:30, but I wanted to try to keep it strong near the middle.

I was lapped just after the 250 mark, so I figured I might be able to keep Lisa from lapping me again because she'd be climbing out just after my 500 mark, meaning I'd be about 80-90 seconds behind her out of the pool. That was what I had about figured the difference would be going into the race....

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So Hard, So Fun...

suzie-trophy.gifBy Suzie Fox (suz--news.blogspot.com - March 6)

It is March! Only 8 days away from my first triathlon of 2015! My bike is in route to Puerto Rico & last weekend I got to be a part of US Snowshoe Racing history by competing in the inaugural Half Marathon Snowshoe National Championship in Eau Claire, WI. (A nationals over 10k has never been contested). It's been quite a wild ride training for both Half Marathon Snowshoe Nationals AND 70.3 Puerto Rico at the same time, all while being extremely cautious of a (fingers crossed) newly healed stress fracture. Biking in a ridiculously HOT bathroom has given me bloody noses, headaches & nausea while 'shoeing has left me with frostbite & ankle bruises...BUT I've loved every minute of it!

After IMWI I heard that Snowshoe Nationals were coming to Wisconsin for 2015. I had never tried snowshoeing but knew I wanted in! But then before the first snowfall I was diagnosed with my stress fracture. It crossed my mind that this might not be my year to take on a new sport but then I thought, nah if I waited for the perfect time to do everything I would be sitting around my house watching life pass me by. Is there ever a perfect time for anything? Nope! Just get out there & do it! ...

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