
The Run/Walk Method...

ironman2.gifAPPLE DUATHLON - Today's Apple Duathlon was awesome! A great prelude to Nationals in two weeks. Words and photos coming soon. RESULTS.

Depending on your goals, a run/walk method could get you to the finish line faster—and in greater comfort.

By MacKenzie Lobby Havey (triathlon.competitor.com)

For some triathletes, the idea of walking during the run portion of a race is out of the question. You’d rather shamble along with your last ounce of energy and fall across the finish line than walk, right? New research suggests that you should give yourself a break, showing that in longer races like a half or full iron-distance, walk breaks might be a good idea.

For the study, German researchers looked at what differences might exist between runners who used a run/walk strategy in a marathon (running for a minute and a half and then walking for a minute) and those who simply ran the entire race. They were interested in not only who was faster, but also who felt better upon crossing the finish line.....

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"...I Was Thrilled!"

cool-girls.gifBy Lisa Lendway

Gear West Du Race Report - Last year I did one duathlon – Esprit de She, the day after the Almanzo 100 gravel ride (see details about that ride here: http://www.almanzo100.bike/). That was a terrible idea and left a pretty bad taste in my mouth for duathlons. Who would ever think to replace a swim with a run? Agh! But, I’m stubborn and was determined not to let duathlons defeat me. Add to that what appears to be an insatiable appetite for competition (I think Dan Hedgecock referred to this as being “en fuego” in an old blog post but I couldn’t find it so sorry if I’ve misinterpreted the meaning, Dan) and my new found enjoyment of running, and boom, two duathlons on the calendar - Cinco Du Mayo sprint and Gear West....

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The Stuff in Matt's Life...

RileyP.gifBy Matthew Payne (matthew-payne.blogspot.com)

And then there were 4...

First off, the big news... this tiny, hairy human now lives at my house...

His name is Riley Harrison Payne and he seems reasonably chill for being 0 years old.

Bling Bling

The 2014 multisport racing campaign garnered a genuine buttload of post-season hardware. USAT named me the 2014 Duathlete of the Year, and in what was a complete surprise to me, named me an honorable mention for Triathlete of the Year.

Closer to home, I took home 4(!) Minnesota Multisport Awards this time around: Triathlete of the Year, Duathlete of the Year, Long Distance Athlete of the Year and Performance of the Year. As is my style, I went a tiny bit too hard at the awards ceremony and most likely made a drunken ass of myself every time Jerry handed me the mic. Good times....

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Apple Bites...

Apple-Duathlonstart.gifAPPLE PREVIEW - At 33 consecutive years, The Apple is Minnesota's oldest multisport event. It's also one of our state's most consistently excellent races, especially since 2000, when it hosted the USAT Duathlon National AG  Championships.

Though it may be perceived by some as an "Elite" event, it is so much more than that. Mid and back-of-the-packers and recreational athletes are welcomed with open arms and lots of outstanding amenities. We, therefore, want to encourage every athlete who has ever avoided Apple because they had assumed that it caters only to the really fast guys and gals, to give the event a try. If you do, you'll see that Apple is a celebration of running and cycling and all those who appreciate those activities.

Still, it's fun for MTN to predict what will happen at the front of the pack, and who will prevail in the various AGs. For grinzies, here's our picks:  ...

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Triumphant Returns & Breakout Performances...

olivia-moose-kisser.gifESPRIT De SHE - LAKEVILLE - Last Sunday's duathlon, the 4th annual we think, was won by 2013 Rookie of the Year runner-up OLIVIA BAGNALL by a 57 second margin over ANNE GRABOWSKI. KELLY HELTEMES (3rd) and LAURA SWARTZ (4th) finished less than 10 seconds after Grabowski, who is a very nice person.

Though Bagnall, who occasionally kisses mooses (photo L), missed the entire 2014 multisport season--she was busy playing professional soccer in Sweden, which is home to thousands of kissable mooses--and only raced five times total, she has won three of those races, and placed 2nd and 4th in the other two. If she races often  enough in 2015, her chances of making Team Minnesota are very good. In 2013, she missed a place by only two spots....

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