
Psychological Recovery...

Stretch-lady.gifBy Molly Breslin (usatriathlon.org)

Unfortunately, most of us have experienced an illness or an injury that has sidelined us from our athletic pursuits. It's challenging enough to deal with these events from a physical standpoint. Managing the psychological aspects of the recovery process is just as important as managing the physical ones and can make or break your return to optimum athletic performance.

We all talk about the rational mind — but the mind can be terribly irrational when dealing with events that have emotional components to them. Triathlon isn't just swim, bike and run with a bunch of gear, training plans, race dates and entry fees. It's something we've committed to, it gives us purpose, makes us happy, diminishes our stress, and provides a social network....

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Protectors & Servers and Toughmen...

toughman-logo.gifMINI RACE PREVES - There are five races next weekend and we'd love to preview all of them. But alas, we cannot. We only know who is racing at two of those events--Saturday's Walker Tri and Sunday's Toughman Minnesota, formerly the Chisago Half and Sprint. The other three races are Uncle Randy's Shell Lake Tri in western Wisconsin, the Moose Lake Tri south of Duluth, and the long-running Hoot Lake Tri near Fungus Falls, which is actually "Fergus Falls," but Angie Hop calls it Fungus Falls. We certainly hope that all these races enjoy great weather, good turnouts and satisfied participants....

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Crispy & Micah's Mom Rock the Buzz...

leane-boat.gifPhoto - Accomplished triathlete Leanne Bronson--front row in red shorts, can you believe she's 45?--hanging out with several of her self-medicating friends.


4th BUZZ RYAN SPRINT - We knew that this day would come. What are we talking about, you ask? We knew that Jason Crisp, who had won his share of multisport races during his residencey in South Dakota, would eventually start winning on this side, the right side, of the border as well.

Yes, Jason Crisp won the 4th annual Buzz Ryan Sprint Triathlon at Island Lake last Sunday. His time was brisk, a 53:03 on the elongated route. (The bike portion had been lengthened by two miles.) Had he been racing the old route, his time would have been a sub-50, which would have crushed the previous CR....

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More Milestones For Matt...

HOLT-podium.gif30th HEART OF THE LAKES - THE MEN - Riding at least a mile-per-hour faster than anybody else means that you will catch those that outswam you and power into T2 all by your lonesome. You probably won't have to bust your hump too much on the run, but that's no reason not to. Especially when you want to win the National Championships three weeks hence.

That's how Matt Payne picked up his second consecutive win at Heart of the Lakes last Sunday, which was his 7th victory in as many starts this year. More impressively, it was the 40th W of his career. So you know, his first win was at the original Graniteman in Rockville back in 2008. The dude's come a long way in a relatively short period of time.

Though unsurprising, Matt's win was exciting to watch. Similarly unsurprising, yet concommitantly thrilling, were the performances turned in by Matt's podiummates, Josh Blankenheim and Kevin O'Connor. For Blank, it was his 3rd 2nd-place effort of the season and his time on the HOLT...

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Deb Pumped Her Fist...

CRoberts.gifBy Warren Peece

30th HEART OF THE LAKES - THE WOMEN - As Deb Roberts approached the finish line at HOLT on Sunday, she pumped her fist in celebration. She did so not because she had raced well, though she had (placing 2nd in her AG behind that pesky six-o-genarian, Pammy Stevens), but because the announcer guy told her and everyone within earshot, that her daughter Christina, had won the overall women's title.

Christina Roberts raced brilliantly at Annandale. She followed her signature strong swim (2nd fastest of the day for the women) with her best bike performance to date. The MTN Guys had contended in recent posts that a little more bike speed was all that was keeping Christina out of more Winners Circles. Well, she more than held her own in the saddle on Sunday. Only top tri cyclists Suzie Fox, Kortney Haag and Lisa Lendway, had faster splits. When Roberts came into T2 with those women, she looked energized. She was smiling. She knew something that the rest of us would know soon enough....

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