
Worlds Medalists & Local Heroics...

kevins-money.gifITU WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS - CHICAGO - GWEN JORGENSON capped her undefeated 2015 season with her biggest win of the year at the ITU Grand Final. Visit USATriathlon.org or Triathlon.org for pics and race coverage. Also, several Minnesotans rocked socks at Worlds, four of whom took home podium medals. More words and pics on Tuesday. RESULTS

FALL CALSSIC DUATHLON & ONE LAST TRI - KEVIN O'CONNOR has won the last four races he's entered, the most recent of which were back-to-backers at Fall Classic and One Last  Tri - Sprint, at which he pocketed $100 in cash (photo L) and took BOB POWERS to breakfast, probably at Key's on 4th Street.

With her win at Fall Classic, MANUELA KNISPEL, who has a cool German accent, has put herself on the Master of the Year radar. FYI, she was the masters champ at Du Nationals (6th overall!)...

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Smoke & Satisfaction...

heather-run-fast.gifBy Heather Lendway (heatherlendway.com)

Morning race prep:

CHALLENGE PENTICTON RACE REPORT - My chain came off when I was putting my shoes on my bike and I found out my derailleur was rubbing my disk when in the small gear. The mechanics were able to adjust it big PHEW!!


* In the pro meeting we convinced the race directors to have the pros start 10 minutes before the mass start instead of with it.  It was nice not to get clobbered by age groupers as well.

* It was still a rough start, someone hit my ankle knocking my chip out from under my wetsuit. I felt it slipping, it then came off completely but I was able to grab it before it sank.  I stuffed it into my wetsuit and down into my tri suit.  This was the first time I’ve had a chip come off my ankle!  ...

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Madison Magic....

MA-run-hard.gifBy Mike Aulie (Brainerddispatch.com - 9/14/15)


MADISON, Wis - Michelle Andres, 38-year-old mother of five from East Gull Lake, won the women's division of the Ironman Wisconsin Sunday completing the grueling 2.4-mile swim, 112-mile bike ride and 26.2-mile marathon in 10:08.05.

Andres, who was competing in her fourth Ironman Wisconsin, finished nearly eight minutes ahead of the next woman, Kelly O'Mara of San Rafael, CA, and about three minutes off the course record she set for her age group in 2012 when she finished sixth behind five professional athletes. Andres finished 39th overall.

Professional athletes did not officially compete in this year's event. Arizona's Tomas Gerlach won the men's division finishing in 8:59.59. Nearly 3,000 athletes competed including the largest contingent ever from the Brainerd Lakes area - 12 racers - all of whom finished the event....

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Virtual Du...

froghopcourselogo.gifThe FROG HOP is a “virtual race” in a run-bike-run format in Douglas, MN.  The “virtual” part comes in because this will be set up as a race you can complete anytime you want during the set time-frame. This is one last chance to get in a low-key race before the snow comes. But, more importantly, this is an opportunity to raise funds to help the Minellis, a local family whose daughter was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor (DIPG). Carin and Mario have been providing care for their daughter round the clock and we wanted to do something to show our support. We will be donating 100% of the proceeds to the family to help with expenses.

You can complete both the bike and the runs as an individual or find a friend to team up with you.  Can’t find a friend to do the part you don’t want to do?  Let us know and we’ll hook you up with a cyclist or runner for your team.  The race is open to all ages.

Complete your race any time between 18 September and 27 September.  TriRochester will have some volunteers out to watch your bike while you run and to provide some snacks on...

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Light Chasing & Quiet Finding...

erin-madison.gifED. This blog post was published on the eve of IMOO. The next day she totally did what she set out to do, finishing 8th overall and 2nd in her AG.Her time was a PR - 10:45:29.

By Erin Klegstad (sweetsweatlife.com)

Here we are… race eve of my fourth 140.6! How did that happen?! It feels like yesterday that I signed up for this race – to chase the light and some really big dreams. And, suddenly, with a little Ironman Coeur d’Alene detour, it’s here, and I couldn’t be more excited…!

Following CdA in June, I gave myself the week after to soak in the smidge of disappointment. As much as I wanted to KQ there, I don’t know… deep down I kinda knew it wouldn’t happen. Record heat aside, I gave it my all, but it just didn’t feel right.

But, this go-round… it feels different…

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