
Five Reasons Not to Tri...

TREADMILLERS.gifBy Lance Watson (triathlon.competitor.com)

If you are an avid triathlete, you love to workout. You may be surprised to find not everyone shares your passion, enthusiasm and possible addiction. The fit triathlete knows the positive impacts of the triathlon lifestyle. Talk to the uninitiated, and you may hear some of common barriers to getting started. Even if they show interest, they may lack motivation or could simply be overwhelmed by the learning curve. As a coach, I hear many valid reasons and also many excuses. Here are my top five, and some handy solutions which you can share to overcome these:  ...

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Taming Hunger...

refrigerator-boy.gifBy Lauren Antonucci (triathlon.competitor.com)

Q: I recently upped my triathlon training to 10–12 hours per week, and now I’m starving all the time. I eat three meals, plus snacks, including a snack before workouts. What can I do to tame my hunger?

A: For some athletes, perpetual hunger can be attributed to an inadequate intake of overall calories, or missing meals or snacks, but that doesn’t seem to be the case for you. More likely in this case, your hunger can be traced back to an imbalance in macronutrient intake (carbs, protein, fats) versus needs. Do you think you might be eating fewer carbs, protein or fat than you need? If you keep track of...

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"I Can't Wait for What's Next"...

HL-PANAMA-CANAL.gifBy Heather Lendway (heatherlendway.com)

Ironman 70.3 Pan American Championships Race Report - My Dad and I flew into Panama City Wednesday evening, arriving at the hotel late we went right to bed. Thursday and Friday I was working remotely so I parked myself at breakfast for a few hours each morning and then my hotel room desk. It was a nice distraction from the race ahead and kept me off my feet and my mind occupied.

Thursday I was trying to figure out where to swim because the roof top ‘pool’ was more like a large hot tub and you can’t swim in the ocean in Panama City. Biking was also...

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Suit Up or Stay Inside?

SNOW-PLACE.gifBy Dr. Michael Williams

When it is cold outside there’s always a question about whether to go out or stay in. Here are some tips to help you with your “in-or-out” decision.

How cold is it outside?

Temperature isn’t everything, but it’s a good place to start. There are some people who will workout outside no matter what the temperature is, but that’s not the majority of us. My minimum is about 30 degrees with biking and 0 degrees with running as below these I feel like I’m just going through the motions, and I feel that I could get more high-quality work done...

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Why "Hard" Courses are Easier....

IMOO-bike.gifA smart strategy for finishing a hilly bike leg with energy left for the run.

By Scott Fleigelman (triathlon.competitor.com - July, 2014)

Last September I brought 15 athletes to Madison, Wis., ready to unleash their hard-earned fitness upon the Ironman Wisconsin course. On Friday morning of race week, however, several of them chose to attend the pro panel and had their confidence shaken by tales of a “brutal” bike course that would surely “chew you up and spit you out.”  ...

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